God's Power Always Available

 April 24, 2017


        The power of God is always present to heal, bless, set free, deliver and save.  Anything that is provided by the cross of Jesus is always present but we need knowledge of what is ours because faith begins where the will of God is known.  If you do know that is God's will to heal then you cannot have faith for your healing even though it is already bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus.  If we are not convinced by the word of God concerning a matter then we will pray and just hope that God heard us and will grant our petition. 

        Many Christians do not really believe that it is God's will to set them free from sin. They think that it is their job to clean themselves up and they fail miserably.  God is the one who will clean us up as we believe what He has done for us but we really walk in fear and doubt that God's forgiveness and salvation is that extensive to reach to us to set us totally free.  Believe God and His word and you will be set free. Do not just hope that it is so and God might hear you! He said to come boldly to the throne of Grace to receive Grace and Mercy at the time of need.  This is picture of someone who is sure of His relationship with God.  We do not have to wait on a special anointing or a person with a special anointing we just believe God's word and act.                                           

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