What is Your Focus

April 27, 2017


        It is all a matter of focus that determines your state of mind, and your success.  If you focus on what is wrong or your problems or who is persecuting you then you will become depressed and cultivate a victim spirit. Of the twelve spies of Israel that went into the promised land, ten focused on the giants in the land. Yes the land was fruitful and bountiful but there were giants in the land.  They looked at their inability to defeat the giants and were defeated in their own minds.  They became depressed along with most of the people and talked about how poorly they felt that they were treated, so bad in fact they tought that back in Egypt under bondage was better.  Joshua and Caleb focused on God's proven track record of fighting for Isreal and His promise to give them the land, and said we can do it.

Numbers 13,14

        Israel, fighting against the Philistines were alright until Goliath came on the scene.  Then they focused on the huge giant and became despondent.  Even Saul, who was taller than the average Israelite by a head, was hiding in fear.  David on the other hand had trained himself to focus on God when faced with tough situations, remember the lion and the bear that he had defeated. When faced with the giant essentially said, what is the big deal.  This giant is nothing compared with my God.  1 Samuel 17

        Where is your focus today? On your circumstances? On your problems? Or on your God?

      “What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?” ‭Romans‬ ‭8:31-32‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        How much we esteem the word of God will determine where our focus is.  The more we treat it as the word of God the more we will focus onGod and the more our problems are nothing in comparison.

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