God With Us
April 8, 2017
God was with Abraham and he was blessed and prosperous. God was with Joseph when he was sold into slavery in Egypt. Joseph prospered whereever he was. He prospered in slavery and became the head of his masters household. When he was falsely accused by the master's wife and thrown into prison, he became the head of the prison. And soon he became second in command to Pharoah.
God was with Moses when he went to deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt. When God dealt with him and said He would He would not go with them because the people were rebellious. Moses said that he would refuse to go if God did not go with them.
David knew that God was with him and that was the reason for his military success.
In the New Covenant we have not only God with us but also God in us. He will never leave us. We limit God's blessing upon us by not cultivating an awareness of His presence. We cultivate our awareness of God in us through the word of God and our confession of the word of God. Our awareness of God's presence creates in us an expectation of God's blessing upon us, even when the enemy attacks us like he did Joseph when his masters wife falsely accused him and had him thrown into prison.
God is with us! His presence blesses us and prospers us in all that we do as we follow Him.
“To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:”
Colossians 1:27 KJV