Spears of Prayer

June 24, 2017


      In Rick Renner's book, "Dressed To Kill" about the armor of God, he says that Paul was using a Romam soldier as a model and that the Roman soldier had a sixth piece of equipment  standard issue. The sixth piece were spears to throw at the enemy. Paul mentions prayer.

      “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;” ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6:18‬ ‭KJV‬‬

      Prayers then would be the second offensive weapon that we have. We can pray for one, any where without being physically present. Paul said to pray with all prayer. A better translation is, praying with all kinds or types of prayer. There are many different types of prayer and they operate under different rules. There are many different types of sports and they each operate under different rules. To successfully play a sport you must play by the right rules. To have a successful prayer life you must know the rules. Such as the prayer of commitment you can use the phrase, "If it be your will, Lord." But you should never use that phrase for the prayer of faith.

    When we pray we first need to know God's will in prayer.  If what we are praying about is revealed in scripture then we act on that but if it is not something covered by scripture then we need to ask God for His will. When we know His will we can pray in faith for the situation.  We should become very familiar with our weapon of prayer for individuals, families, cities, nations. As we pray God's will for a situation, all of God's authority backs up what we are praying about.  If we are praying for a person or persons then their will can nullify the prayer.

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