By The Spirit

 June 27, 2017


      Many think that living a good moral life will get them into heaven. They believe that if their good works out weigh their bad deeds then God will accept them.  They will say, this person is such a good person, how can God send them to hell.  Good works will never save us because our goodness does not even come close to God's goodness and what is required by Him.  My destiny is not determined by my deeds but by my substitute, Jesus.  Jesus demonstrated the absolute goodness of God and was totally approved by God the Father.  From the beginning of our life we cannot attain to God's goodness.  That is why Jesus came to take all of our ungodliness and to give us His goodness.  That is why it is essential for us to receive what He did for us and be born again of His goodness.  This new life within us is not ours but His so we cannot mess it up like Adam did.  My good deeds then are not to get me to heaven or in relationship with God but they come out of the new me, who I am.  The works that I do now from His life in me are better than what I could have done before I was born again.  My salvation is not dependent upon what I could do but totally on what He has done and will do in and through me.  We need to stop looking to our strength to perform and look to the greater one within us. 

        “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.”

‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5:25‬ ‭KJV‬‬

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