July 24, 2017
“All the earth shall worship thee, and shall sing unto thee; they shall sing to thy name. Selah.” Psalms 66:4 KJV
“All the earth shall worship thee, and shall sing unto thee; they shall sing to thy name. Selah.” Psalms 66:4 KJV
The end of our salvation is that all of creation come to worship God. God is the only one who is worthy of wordhip. Satan is seeking for people to worship him. One temptation of Jesus was when Satan offered Jesus the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them if He, Jesus, would fall down and worship him. Jesus' reply was thet the God was the only one to worship. If our ultimate end is to be a worshipper of God then we should not wait until we get to heaven to begin. Jesus said in John 4 that God is seeking for worshippers and those who worship God should worship in spirit and in truth. That is we are to worship out of our spirit not our soulic area. In the Old Testament the people of God were spiritually dead so they worshipped out of their souls and was acceptable unto God. In the New Testament we are spiritually alive unto God and we are the temple of the living God so we are to worship out of our born again spirit. Our worship is speaking of who God is in all of His splendor and what He has done in creation and redemption.
God iinhabits the praises of His people. As we praise Him, He manifest Himself to us and our response is our worship from our hearts. The first order of business of a Christian is to worship God from their heart. As we use the words that we know to praise and thank Him, the Holy Spirit will give us more words to use to worship our God. Make worship of God your life.