Going To Heaven?

September 15, 2017


        When we try to determine whether a person is heaven bound or not based on how good they act we are easily fooled.  Our salvation is not based on our actions.  Our goodness will not get us into heaven because compared to God we have no goodness.  That is why we needed a Savior and to receive His goodness to our account.  His goodness is perfect! What He has imparted to us, His goodness that is His righteousness, then will start to effect the way we act.  The more we know that He has made us righteous and holy the more we will act that way, if we do not act that way, we really do not believe it.  So our salvation is not based on our actions but on His actions of perfect obedience to the Father and the fact that He gave us His perfect obedience and took all of our disobedience and paid the full penalty for our disobedience.  As long as we are in Chirst, our righteousness does not change.  Sin does not cause us to leave Christ.  You can be born again only once. 

        When we see someone who lives a lifestyle of sin but they appear to act better than most Christians many will respond, "How can God send that person to hell?" But the reality is that no one's righteousness is goodness to go to heaven.  The question is have they received Jesus and been born again because only His righteousness can get us into heaven.  Some people are born again but are ignorant about who they are and so act like the world.  God accepts us as we are and by the power of His Spirit He changes us.  Heaven or hell is determined by who you are, not what you do.  But who you are, in Christ or in Adam, should affect what you do. 

        “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.”

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭15:22‬ ‭KJV‬‬

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