Believing God
January 12, 2018
“through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith among all the Gentiles for His name's sake," Romans 1:5 KJV
Paul uses the term, "the obedience of faith". We act on what we truly believe. We have been indoctrinated by the world and by religion. We need to be searchers of the word of God ourselves to find out the truth. We then choose to believe what the word says about us. The word says that we, the new creation, are loved by the Father and are holy, righteous and good by His doing in salvations. We do not act loved by the Father as a father loves His favorite son because we do not believe it. Faith to believe what the Father has done, comes by meditating in the Wrod of God that tells us exactly what we have.
Secondly we must recognize that we are a three part being and the real me, the you is a spirit being and that is what was born again and was made holy, righteous and good. Our body is not redeemed yet. Our body still wants to do wrong. We must keep our body under the control of our spirit. God dwells in our spirit and His presence within us should be the energizing force within us. We still cannot perform what is pleasing to God by our flesh but His holy presence within us will perform that which is pleasing in His sight. He just asks us to believe what He has done.
“Jesus answered and said to them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent."” John 6:29 NASB