To Live is Christ

January 25, 2018


        “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1:21‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        Paul had so yielded to Jesus that he manifested Jesus throughout his life. He had no self ambition or desire to be famous or rich but to demonstrate Christ by yielding Christ's life which dwelt within him. Paul knew and lived that Christ was his life. His desire was to do what he saw the Father doing and say what he heard the Father saying and nothing more.  Paul had learned to die to himself daily that the power of Christ would manifest through him. Paul also had learned to rejoice in his weaknesses and inabilities because when he was weak, then the power of Christ would be manifested through him. Whatever the task that the Father gave him, it was impossible in his own strength and required God to act or else it would not happen.  For Paul to say that for me to live is Christ was not an empty boast but a living reality in Paul's life. He knew his total dependence upon the indwelling Christ and to die was to go to be in the presence of the Lord. A win/win situation.

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