God's Control

February 1, 2018


      Unbelievers say, if there is a God, how can He let horrible things happen? Is God in absolute, total control over everything that happens? When God created the earth, He deligated the rulership of the earth to His man, Adam. When Adam sinned by disobeying God, he turned the rulership of the earth over to the enemy, Satan. SoSatan is the author of all of the horrors that happen on the earth, in conjunction with men and women who will believe his lies and act on them.

      God's plan of redemption removes Satan's leverage and bondage that he has against mankind by paying for all of our sin. Then restore mankind to sonship through the new birth and pass judgement on Satan. God is looking to exert His authority through His sons and daughters. Satan still influences people to follow him either knowingly or unknowingly. Those who do not think that they need God are pawns of Satan.  Also when the church does not realize its authority and believes that whatever happens is God's will then Satan can do what he wants and the credit goes to God and God's vessel of authority, the church is doing nothing.  You have the authority in your own life, no one else does.  But on the spiritual level you are either yielded to God or the devil. So choose to yield to God, the devil came only to steal, kill and destroy and that is where he will take you if you follow him. The mess that we make of our lives is because we do our own thing and in doing that we are following the evil one unknowingly.

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