Priority: The Word of God
Jesus portrays Himself as the Bread of Life. Our natural food we need to eat daily if possible unless we are fasting. Even then we can only go so long without eating before we die. People with eating disorders will starve themselves to death because they think they look too fat.
Spiritually if we go without feasting on the Bread of Life we will also become weak spiritually and give in to the enemies lies. We must make it a daily habit to spend time feeding on the word of God and spending time in His presence. People with certain diseases lose their appetites and when they get healed they have to force themselves to eat. They have no natural hunger left. But as they eat by will power their appetite returns. We may not feel like reading the word but as we take time to feed on it and give it importance in our lives we will create an appetite for it and for His presence.
In the natural, what we focus upon is what we will create a desire ion our lives. As we choose to focus on the word of God, we will develope a desire to spend time in the word of God.
The Spirit of God meets us at the word of God and instructs us in the love of God. The more we understand the word the more we are set free from the bandages of Satan.
“Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:31-32 KJV