The Tender Conscience

February 9, 2018


        “And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men."  ‭‭Acts‬ ‭24:16‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        Our conscience is the voice of our spirit. When we were born again it was our spirit that was saved, born again and made the righteousness of God.  We are to be spirit dominated beings.  the Holy Spirit dwells in our spirit because our spirit was made holy and righteous, a temple fit for the living God to permanently dwell. As then we pay attention to our spirit and its voice, our conscience, we will walk by the Spirit.  God is a Spirit so He communicates with us through our spirit.  As we heed our conscience we will walk in obedience to God.

        When we violate our conscience we then need to repent as quick as we can to keep a clear conscience.  If we offend a person then we need to go to that person and confess our wrong and apologize. There is nothing more valuable than a conscience that is clear and tender towards God. A clear conscience is a conscience that is tender towards God and towards his fellow man or woman. A tender conscience is from a person who understands that without God he can do nothing by himself and so is totally dependent upon God.  He sees himself as nothing but a clay pot that the Glory can dwell in and manifest through.As we then walk by the Spirit we will then manifest the glory of God and walk as the sons that our Father has called us to be.

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