
March 13, 2018


      Grace is more than unearned, undeserved favor.  Grace is th overcoming life of the risen Jesus within us that God can lavish His abundant, undeserved favor upon. We must come to the reality that it is no longer I who lives but Christ that lives within me. And when Christ, who is our life shall appear we shall appear with Him and we shall be like Him because we shall see Him as He is. We still see ourselves as natural, carnal, fallen human beings rather than as sons of God because we are in the Son and He is in us.

        We access the grace by faith in God and what Jesus did for us in putting us permanently back into relationship with our Creator Father, He is the Source of the whole universe, the Almighty God. We have a legal and an experiencial relationship. The experiential relationship is based on the legal relationship and the legal relationship is based on Jesus' work on the cross so it does not change.  The experiential relationship has our component added to it.  That means that we can have as close a relationship with God as we will pursue, based on the work of Christ. The grace of God means that we have been made just like God in our spirit which was born again when we received the work of Christ Jesus and made Him Lord of our lives.  Our whole lives we live by faith in the grace of God. Our faith begins where the will of God is known.

Edgar NorrisComment