God Is Ever Present Help In The Time of Need

March 24, 2018


        “And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.”

‭‭Exodus‬ ‭3:14‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        God revealed Himself to Moses as, I AM THAT I AM. That is God is the ever present, ever existent one.  He is always present for us in our time of trials and troubles.  All we need is to call  upon Him. 

        The Gibeonites in Joshua 9 came to Israel and lied to the in order to make a covenant with them.  When Israel fortune out they still were required to honor the covenant. So when the kings of the land of Caanan came to fight Gibeonites and they called out to Israel to honor their covenant, Joshua honored the covenant without hesitation and came to fight for Gibeon. This shows us the responsibility of those in covenant relationship. 

        We are in covenant with our Father God though our brother Jesus. So when we have a need if we will just call upon Him, He has obligated Himself to show up on our behalf to deal with our problem Himself. He is the ever present God. Always waiting to fulfill His covenant with us if we will just call out in faith that He will answer. We do not have to try to convince Him to help us, He is waiting eagerly to come to our aid. He will not move though unless we call out in faith to Him. When we call then we should expect Him to heed our call and answer.

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