By His Word
March 25, 2018
God uses the instrument of His word to reveal to us the great things that He has done for us in salvation. It is all about words. Which words will we believe, God's or the devil's. The words that we believe will determine whether we walk in victory or defeat. According as we have believed so we will do. Sometimes our faith is poluted with doubt or unbelief or fear. James says that our faith is completed by our corresponding actions. As we choose to act on what we believe we are waging war against the doubt, unbelief and fear. They may try to stay around for a time but as we act on God's word and God moves to fulfill His word in our lives the doubt, unbelief and fear will vanish. The more we see God move in answer to our faith the stronger our faith will grow and the next challenge we will be more convinced that God's word is true and God will come through for us.
Faith begins where the will of God is known. That is why faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. The "word" hear is the Greek word for the spoken word. As the Holy Spirit speaks the word to us it creates faith in us. We must choose to believe and act on the faith that the word spoken to us creates in us.
We must then choose to feed upon the word of God, believe it and act on it. When we feed on the word until we visualize it in our minds and see ourselves doing what it says and see ourselves as it says we are, sons of God. Our faith is not based on our feelings but on what the word of God says. Circumstances and situations are subject to change but God's word never changes. Believe His word!