Fruit Bearing
March 27, 2018
“I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.” John 15:5 KJV
God's desire is that we bear fruit. Jesus gave us the only way to bear fruit, to abide in Him even as the branches abide in the vine. The branches gets it's life from the vine as it stays connected and in communication with the vine. Even so our fruit bearing comes by us spending time with Jesus on a daily basis and throughout the day. He is in us by the new birth but we must choose to spend time with Him. He says that without Him we can do nothing. Until we realize this we will never be fruitful before God. The more dependent we are upon Him the more fruit we will bear. As we spend time praising and thanking Him for everything that we have we are demonstrating our dependence. David said that all things come from the Lord. He had come to that realization and was know as a man after God's own heart. Even the next breath that we take is dependent upon the Lord. In acknowledging this and looking to Him in His loving kindness and mercy and love we abide in Him.
Our abiding in Him is our acknowledging that we are in Him and seeing ourselves as He sees us, in Him. As we spend time just worshipping Him, thanking Him for all the things He has done for us and praising Him the more we become aware of our abiding status. The more we try to do on our own the less fruit we will bear. Fruit bearing comes as a result of His power within us and us acting in obedience to Him.