When You Look At People, What Do You See?

 March 8, 2018


      When you look at people, what do you see? Human beings, no matter what color, no matter what sex are created in the image of God, though marred by sin.

      “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭1:27‬ ‭KJV‬‬

      We have a choice to focus on the image of God within. a person or the marring by the sin. When we focus on the damage done by sin we build walls that tend to freeze people in their sin. This will shut the door to being able to share God's love and salvation with them.

      When we focus on the image of God within them we will inspire them to rise higher than they are walking and help them to see that God believes the best about them. They are valuable in God's sight and so should be valuable in our sight. So valuable that we do dot want them to spend eternity in hell separated from the glory of God. We then have the privilege of introducing them to the Father through Jesus.

      When you look at the people around you, what do you see? God sees them as lost children who will be lost forever if they do not hear and receive His free gift of mercy in Jesus.

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