Hidden With Christ In God
October 8, 2022
“Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.” Colossians 3:2-4 KJV
What we set our affections on determine where our focus is and that determines whether we walk in victory of defeat. Our position in heaven is the place of victory. If our focus is on the things on the earth then we will walk in defeat. The world is dominated by the enemy and is a place of defeat. But we have overcome the ruler of this world, Satan through Christ Jesus. We have the victory because our life is hid with Christ in God. Satan cannot touch us unless we are walking in the flesh. Paul says here that we are dead. This is one of the greatest truths that we need to get into our heart. We were crucified with Christ. As we were dead unto God in our sins before Christ, in Christ we were crucified because of our sin. By the law, we were judged by the law and found guilty. Jesus our substitute then paid the full penalty for our sins. So now Christ is our life. His life in us is perfectly pleasing to the Father. It is in one hundred harmony with our Father. That is who you are. That is why you go to heaven. That is why you can have fellowship with the Father. Even with our spirits being made righteous our souls need to be transformed. So our souls and our flesh can get in the way between us and our Father. So God gave us unknown tongues so we can pray directly from our born again spirit as the Holy Spirit gives us the words to say. As we then spend time praying in the spirit , the Holy Spirit will give us the translation to educate our mind.