Faith Requirement
February 14, 2022
“I have even from the beginning declared it to thee; before it came to pass I shewed it thee: lest thou shouldest say, Mine idol hath done them, and my graven image, and my molten image, hath commanded them.” Isaiah 48:5 KJVE
Why will not God just bless everyone even if they lack faith. Because we will take the credit or give some idol credit for God’s work. This puts into further bondage to the demons behind the idol. God wants us to know the true origin to our freedom and He wants us to be set free from everything that binds us. God is the only source of freedom, not our own efforts, not some idol or other foreign god.
Satan set out to deceive Adam and Eve and he succeeded. Satan wants to deceive and destroy all of Adam’s seed because Adam was given rulership over the earth. Adam was made in God’s image and God’s likeness. Satan cannot touch God so he set out to destroy mankind, who was made in the image and likeness of God. But God intervened. God promised a savior and then sent a Savior to set us free from Satan’s destructive bondage.
We have a choice as to believe Satan and his lies or to believe God and be set free. The enemy is very subtle and at every turn tries to steal the glory from the Father God. Men and women are easily deceived when left to themselves. We must be in communion with God and patient until He answers us as to our direction. We also must train ourselves to believe HIs word and act on His word in faith to see it come to pass in our live. God requires faith to receive. Those who receive with minimal faith by the gifts of the Spirit most of the time do not keep their healing or miracle because they do not have the faith. Satan comes and steals their blessing and they blame it on God. Become word of God minded.