March 27, 2022
“He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.”
Psalm 23:3 KJV
Our souls are our mind, will and emotions. Satan attacks our souls with negative thoughts and experiences and circumstances to try to get us to believe that our God does not really care for us. Satan will use trauma, repetition and music to get us to receive his lies which damage our souls. Our souls were created to be filled with the love of God and when our soul is not filled with His love we are damaged and rendered ineffective for the work of God. We do not lose our value in the eyes of God but we are bound by the perimeter that have been set by the lies that we have accepted.
The Psalmist says that the LORD restores my soul. He pours the healing balm of His love on us and restores us to His glory. But we have to be open to receive that love. If we are looking for something else to fill the void of His missing love then we are not looking to Him and we are not open to receive the healing. We need to look to the Lord for our total needs being met. Then we will be that channel of healing to others, pointing them to the love of God that He has for them.