He Leads Us, Will WE Follow

March 28, 2022


“He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.” Psalm‬ ‭23:3‬ ‭KJV‬

Knowing our Father’s voice is one of the most important things for us to know. Here in the Old Testament God had to lead His people through outward signs because they were spiritually dead, that is separated from God by their sin nature. If the common person wanted to know the will of God they had to go to a prophet or priest to know God’s leading. In the New Testament we are led by the inner witness of the Spirit of God who dwells within us. 

God always leads us in the way of righteousness because He is righteous. God’s leadings are not cruel or mean but they are the leadings of love. Our problem is that we think that we can choose to ignore His leadings or we have never been taught to harken to the inner witness of His Spirit within us. We need to cultivate a spiritual ear to hear by feeding on His word and expecting to be led. Also we must determine that when we know HIs leading we will obey His leading no matter how silly it might seem. His leading will not lead us into sin or be sinful but righteous. We may not always know why God leads us in a certain direction because as we follow His leading, nothing may happen and we miss the snare of the devil. Where as if we had ignored His leading we would have gotten into a lot of trouble that God wanted us to avoid. Following God is always profitable.

Edgar NorrisComment