The Anointing And The Cup

March 31, 2022


“Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.” ‭Psalm‬ ‭23:5‬ ‭KJV‬‬

When the shepherd anointed the head of a sheep it was to keep parasites away from the sheep. We have been anointed to fulfill the ministry that God has given to us. Jesus, acting as a man, did no mighty work until He was anointed on the day of His baptism by John the Baptist. We then are anointed to deal with the pest in the form of demons that would make life miserable for all whom they afflict. Our anointing is not just for us but for the people who God puts into our path that need Him. The baptism in the Holy Spirit is the anointing upon us to do God’s work. 

The cup is a symbol of fellowship. In the garden of Gesthsemane Jesus asked that He would not have to drink of the cup if it were possible. That cup was fellowship with the devil. This is the place we were before our redemption, in fellowship with the devil. The cup in Psalm 23 is fellowship with our Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Through Jesus the door for fellowship with God is abundantly open. The Psalmist David only saw a crack open and yet he said that his cup ran over. How much more is open for us. Jesus swung the door to the Father and the Godhead open wide for us to enter on the same grounds that He walked in with the Father and Holy Spirit. Then the invitation is for us to come and drink freely of the fellowship with God and receive of the abundance that He has for us.

Edgar NorrisComment