Dwelling In The House Of The Lord

April 2, 2022


          “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: 

And I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.” ‭Psalm‬ ‭23:6‬ ‭KJV‬‬

          The last phrase is the most powerful of this Psalm. The more that we are in the presence of the LORD the more we want to just stay there. He is our everything. Moses, two times went up on the mountain and spent 40 days there in the presence of the Lord and did not eat or drink. The presence of the Lord sustained his every need. Even though Moses has done spent this time before the Lord, when he asked to see God’s glory, God said that no one can see my face and live. God’s goodness was so great that no Old Testament saint could stand it because they were still in their sin.  God hid Moses in the cleft of the rock and caused His goodness to pass before Moses. Then God removed His hand and allowed Moses to see the hinder, fading part of His glory. After that Moses face shown with the glory of God.

        The LORD is pure love. He dose not require us to be perfect, He enables us to be perfect before Him. I am not inadequate before Him, He is the adequacy that He requires. In myself I am an utter failure, in Him I am a total success. In His house, His presence is the total blessing that He has planned for us. 

        This Old Testament because we now are the house of God. God dwells within every believer. We have the privilege of walking in the consciousness of God’s presence within us all the time. We do not go to a set location to experience the presence of God. The more we become aware of His awesome presence the more we want to dwell there.

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