Do Not Turn From God
April 12, 2022
“because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.”
Romans 1:21 KJV
Here in Romans, Paul is detailing the steps that it takes to fall away from God. The first step is not glorifying God as God. It is not honoring God for who He is. We can do this either by our words in saying that God is nor real or by our actions in acting like God is not real. We acknowledge God for who He is by giving thanks to Him and praise to Him for who He is and what He has done for us in salvation.
We have a covenant with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a demonstration of how much God loves us. So our actions are to reflect God’s love for us. We are to live like God is intimately concerned and desires to be involved in our lives. When we worry and get in fear then we are acting like God does not really care for us or that God is not capable to care for us and protect us.
If we do not acknowledge God in our lives, His love for us and His involvement in our lives then we replace God with our vain imaginations. We were created to worship God but if we reject God we will replace Him with another god from imagination to worship. This darkens our hearts and we become less sensitive to God until we finally totally turn our backs on God. We were created to be connected to God who is our source of life.