A Reprobate Mind

April 16, 2022


“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;” ‭Romans‬ ‭1:28‬ ‭KJV‬‬

According to the dictionary, a reprobate is one who is totally given to sin. One who is lost to virtue and religion. This is the final destination of those who have denied God and His. Word. To be totally without any moral compass. They are totally given over to the plan and work of Satan. The judgement of God comes upon sin and sinners. In Christ Jesus, He has taken all of our punishment but those who turn from God and His wooing have. Only judgement awaiting them.

What God gave them over to is self destructive behavior which will also make them miserable. The job of the devil is to steal, kill and destroy. This is the end of a reprobate mind. It is irreconcilable to any good for anyone but themselves. 

They way out of this is repentance, that is turning to God and seeking His mercy and grace. God is gracious and abundant in mercy to all those who will believe. We are to preach the word of God for therein lies the power of God to show people their need for God and to show God’s mercy and grace towards them. God’s will is that they turn to Him and receive His salvation. We were never created to operate apart from God and His goodness. We have no innate goodness within ourselves but all of our goodness comes from God. If we take one step towards Him, He will run to meet us where we are. Salvation is not of our works but of God’s work and He enables us to even take the first step.

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