Not Our Work But Christ’s Work
April 22, 2022
We can be unaware of our efforts to become self absorbed in our focus to try to keep the law in our own strength and thus try to be pleasing to God. This does two things. First it cuts us off from the power of God, which is the grace of God.
“Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.” Galatians 5:4 KJV
Because we are walking by our own strength, we fail time and time again. When we fail our self worth takes a hit and our self image spirals down. This greatly effects our ability to function. Instead of walking in rest we are filled with worry and fear of not being pleasing to God. We then are in the constant state of flux trying to change to please God.
On the other hand when our focus is on the finished work of Christ for all of our salvation, we then walk in rest. We are focused on being and on the power of God within us to transform us. Our confidence is in the fact that as He, Jesus, is so are we in this world, 1John 4:17. We know that we are the son or daughter in whom the Father is well pleased because we are in Jesus and that His power is within us to bring about the transformation that the Father desires. We just need to yield to His power within us.
If we do not know of His power within us then we are trying to do it ourselves. We cannot save ourselves. If we are born again, His power is within us to transform us into His image. God has predestinated us to be conformed to the image of His Son. Romans 8:29.
The good news it is no longer I but Christ in me the hope of glory, Colossians 1:27.