Jesus, The Revelation Of The Father
May 31, 2022
“Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?” John 14:9 KJV
This is a very important point. People have tried to blindly guess what God is like. They take their information from Job or other characters in the Old Testament or even looking at Paul’s thorn in the flesh. Without the proper perspective we will misinterpret the Bible. When we look at Jesus we see the Father. There is not other clear, pure representation of the Father God. What we see in Jesus is what we should expect from the Father. Jesus never refused to heal anyone, even those who were not in covenant as the Jews were. Jesus never put sickness and disease on anyone to teach them something. He always taught using His word. Jesus never brought calamity on any one even when James and John suggested it. Jesus rebuked them for wanting to strike the Samaritans with lightening for not receiving Jesus. Jesus came to give us the blessing of Abraham by becoming the curse for us. We still have free will to receive what God has done or reject it. Satan is still the prince of this world and has a certain amount of control through people who are under his power of suggestion. He attacks us many times just to see if we will accept his attack. God gave us the authority to resist and overcome the attacks of Satan through the word of God and the Name of Jesus. God also has given us the Holy Spirit to among other things , to guide us around trouble, but we still have the choice to believe His leadership and act on it or not.
We should never accept anything less than what Jesus demonstrated. He is love in action and He is the only good in the universe along with the Father and the Holy Spirit. If it is good it is God if it is not good it is the devil.