The Law Of Life
July 12, 2022
“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.” Romans 8:2 KJV
This is a revolutionary statement. The law that Adam initiated when he sinned and turned from God. The results of our sinful actions and our sinful nature is death. Death is not ceasing from existence but separation from God who is the only source of life. When we act contrary to God’s life, nature or character we separate ourselves from Him. Adam passed his nature to us which was separated from God due to his sin. Before we were born again we lived in death, separated from the life of God.
The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus means that through Jesus and only Jesus we are eternally connected with our Father. Our sinful nature was laid on Jesus and He died under the penalty of that sin. This took all our sinful actions as well. The blood of Jesus continuously cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:7
When we walk in our new identity we are walking in life. When we vary from that life it does not change who we are in Christ Jesus. We are alive in Christ Jesus by the work that Jesus did not what we do. Jesus gave us the Father’s perfection. We need to recognize that and act accordingly. Because it is a reality, we will not be acting out of our own strength but out of His life within us. We start out acting from our flesh in faith in who we are in Christ. We stand against all sin that would try to ensnare us by using the word of God that tells us who we are in God.