Who Is Your God?

July 20, 2022


What we believe is the authority we put our full trust. If we think that something else carries more weight, then that is the authority we go by. Many times this will be our experiences or a professional and we then wrap everything else around what the authority says. If we take the word of God as our authority then it will dominate our lives, it will dictate how we act. When we get sick, the first thing that we go to is the word of God not the doctor. There is nothing wrong with going to the doctor. If our faith is not to the place that we can receive healing then we should go to the doctor. If we get in financial problems, then we should go to God and His word first, not the bank or our friends for a loan. Loans are sometime needed if our faith is low. What is our authority, God and His word or the ways of the world. This also demonstrates who is really your God. We may give lip service to God but if He is not the one we turn to in the time of problems then something else it taking the place of God.

God wants to meet all your needs but if we put something else in place of Him, t=He will not interfere. Anything else but God will steal, kill and destroy. God wants to meet all our needs.

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” ‭Matthew‬ ‭6:33‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Edgar NorrisComment