How Much Are You worth?
July 4, 2022
Our journey in Christiany begins with our knowing how much our Heavenly Father values us and how much He loves us. This is measured by the price He willing paid for our redemption.
When we become a Christian our identity changes. We become new creations in Christ Jesus. Old past life passes away, all things become new. This is an immediate fact at the new birth. We immediately become His righteousness.
Our walk with God is not trying to be pleasing to Him but knowing that we are already pleasing to God because we are in Chtist Jesus and He is in us.
Our self worth, our self esteem then is based on the price God was willing to pay for our redemption. This shows us God's esteem for us and the whole human race. We have so clouded by sin that God's live for us has been unimaginable. God in His love for us made us new creations. Our walk is to discover who we are, believe it and live it out.