The Way, The Truth And The Life
July 6, 2022
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the
Father, but by me.” John 14:6 KJV
Jesus is the way to the Father. Our lives are about our relationship with our Creator, not about heaven. God’s rulership is what makes heaven, heaven. Jesus took our unrighteousness and rebellion and gave us His righteousness and obedience. So we can stand perfectly in the presence of the Father, our Creator, without any fear, condemnation, guilt or shame. We c an take no credit for any of our standing before God. Jesus did it all.
Secondly, Jesus said that He was the truth or the reality. Our physical world is not reality. It is a facade. Reality is based on God because He never changes. His word never changes. Our physical experiences are subject to change sometimes instantaneously. What you believe affects what you experience. In reality we are surrounded by a sea of God’s love and goodness. But the enemy has convinced us that God does not really love us or that He is far away in heaven so He may seem to take His time just to hear us and answer. The unchanging reality is that we are surrounded on all sides by His great love for us. His love always demonstrates. His condition is that we act in faith. We need to daily meditate on His great love for us and that He is closer than anyone else to us.
Last Jesus said that He is the life. God is life everlasting. That life is God’s love. The curse is all around us. We see it in dead plants, dead animals, sickness and disease, malformed bodies of babies and other humans. But Jesus is life. Jesus dwells within us in resurrection power. The same power that overcame all of the curse in the grave and raised Jesus from the dead. That is the life that we are to believe that saturates us and causes us to walk in divine health and prosperity. Jesus is the only way to salvation, to the Father because He is the only one who came as our substitute and conquered sin, death and the grave on our behalf to give us life and that more abundantly.