The Right Picture

August 14, 2022


          “Give ear to my words, O LORD, Consider my meditation.”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭5:1‬ ‭KJV‬‬

One of the most important facets of our humanity is our imagination. The pictures painted on our imagination are painted by what we focus on. We act out of those pictures in our imagination. The picture how we see ourselves is painted by what those who we respect and love say about us. These people may not deserve our love and respect but are in that place in our mind. Also what we look at in pictures, what we read and focus on will imprint on our minds pictures that we will try to act out in some way. We then need to focus on the word of God. God is the one that deserves our love and respect. He loves us with an unconditional love. His word tells us of His great love for us and reveals to us the magnificence of His salvation for us. He has made us to be just like Jesus in our spirit.

We can believe the lie that the devil told us and continuously tells us, that we are worthless and unloved by God, that we are irreplaceable defiled and repulsive to God. This is what Satan through the world is selling us this lie. The only place where we find the truth about us and what God thinks of us. As we focus then on the scriptures we allow the Holy Spirit to paint the right picture on our hearts.

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