The Goodness Of God

September 16, 2022


God is a God of justice. In His justice He laid all of our offenses on Jesus. Jesus then paid the penalty for all of our transgressions. This freed God to dispense mercy to all who would believe in His goodness. When we accept His offer of salvation we are accepting the work of Jesus on the cross as our substitute who bore our punishment. Our forgiveness is Jesus hanging on the cross in our stead. This is eternal salvation that puts in right standing with our Father. God is our life source. That is why God told Adam that if he disobeyed God and ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, in dying he would die. That is he would be cut off from the life source and in that death he would physically die eventually. We have been restored to our life source but we still have a mortal body. Our body that is subject to death gives us the authority to preach the gospel on this earth. That is our commission, to preach the too good to be true news to a hurting and dying world. Our redemption will be complete when Christ returns and we will receive a body like unto His, immortal and eternal. But until then we are to walk with God and partake of His goodness and share that goodness with everyone around us.

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